How we hear to Jeneetah

David Ilvedson
Wed, 27 Oct 2004 16:31:31 -0700

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Wow, so you don't even need a spoon bender?   ;-]
David I.

----- Original message ---------------------------------------->
From: David Andersen <>
To: Pianotech <>
Received: Wed, 27 Oct 2004 08:07:02 -0700
Subject: Re: How we hear to Jeneetah

An hour and a half? Surely that includes restringing, voicing and=
 a full regulation.

Or do you mean you are not a bionic tuner? Not too many of those=
 around these parts!

Terry Farrell

Oh Terry----I do the voicing and regulation telepathically---I=92m=
 the Uri Geller of 
piano tuners, although I don=92t like to reveal it.  I actually do=
 everything with the awesome power 
of my mind.

I=92m not physically making keystrokes right now; I=92m just THINKING=
 about it, and it=92s happening.

Oh wow.  Man.

David =93it=92s all in the mind, dude=94 Andersen 

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