OT Politicals

Don pianotuna@accesscomm.ca
Sat, 30 Oct 2004 01:31:48

Hi Dale,

They were itemized and under US control. Bush has managed to allow them to
be stolen.

At 12:59 AM 30/10/2004 EDT, you wrote:
>        Julia  & they were a banned weaponry under the U.N. sanctions. 
>Hmmmm, why weren't they found before. I mean they were there looking for 11
> years afterall.    Dale 
>   I am confused. I thought they said Bush lied  Then today, they said that
>     of the 380 tons of materials, a portion of it was the type of
>explosives      that were necessary components to make/detinate nuclear    
> weapons.
>               Aren't nuclear weapons weapons of mass destruction?      
>Reading, PA  

Don Rose, B.Mus., A.M.U.S., A.MUS., R.P.T.
Non calor sed umor est qui nobis incommodat

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