string rendering (was: soft blows)

Ron Nossaman
Sat, 30 Oct 2004 08:03:38 -0500

>Is it really only the increased string tension of a hard blow that "pulls" 
>the string across the bearing bridge?  What about the vibration of the 
>string and bridge helping to overcome the friction at the bearing points, 
>similar to a heavy object on a sloped table starting to "slide" when it or 
>the table vibrates?
>>But not knowing what the tension differential between the speaking length 
>>(and beyond) and the rear duplex (and beyond), the information is pretty 
>>much useless for determining whether a hard blow will pull a string 
>>through the bridge pins.
>>Ron N

Sure, vibration is a factor, but soft blow tuning will provide lots of 
vibration without pulling wire through the bridge in cases where a hard 
blow will. Tension differences fore and aft of the bridge are the problem, 
and those change continually with humidity changes. As humidity rises, back 
scale tensions get higher than speaking length tensions, as it falls, they 
get lower.

Ron N

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