Cracked Lid

Ron Nossaman
Sat, 30 Oct 2004 11:46:57 -0500

>Good thoughts.
>I think the problem with this particular lid (the Steinway I've mentioned) 
>is the lack of cross banding.  I' ve seen this omition before when I did a 
>lot of furniture repair in another life.  Also, the oak core tends to move 
>more, ends being the worst.
>Paul C
>    Paul
>   I agree about the cross banding thought. Stwys are poplar which is more 
> stable than oak IMO.

Chestnut was a common furniture core wood too, and looks a lot like oak or 
ash. It's more dimensionally stabile than either, which is why it was used 
so much under veneers. For what it's worth.

Ron N

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