humidity level for conditioning new pinblock

Bob Hull
Sat, 30 Oct 2004 12:10:59 -0700 (PDT)

The humidity in my shop today is 63% and higher than I
usually try to keep it.  I'm getting a block ready,
the flange fitting is done; What would be the best
level for the humidity to be and for how long to
enhance the drilling/pin torque outcome? This block
(Weber 5' 6") has been a "bear" for me with a double
flange, plus thicker in the bass, and bow or warp
across the block area of the plate. 

I just put the block under a "tent" with 2 heater bars
and it has dropped the humidity to 54% over the course
of . I don't have a MC gauge but I have a

I'll appreciate your comments.

Bob Hull

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