Ronsen Wurzen update
Sat, 30 Oct 2004 22:06:42 EDT

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In a message dated 10/30/2004 7:01:39 PM Pacific Standard Time, Erwinspiano  

  And now for some piano related material.
  I went back On a C-3 Yamaha In a Assemblies Church. It has  the  wurzen 
felt hammers.WOW those hammers are so good. They transformed  the piano with 
minuscule voicing work. It was strung as well in August. It has  a nice 30 year 
old board with nice bearing. I've worked on this piano  since it was new & it's 
been an enlightening experience to see a Yamaha  I've know this long sound so 
beautifully different with so little voicing  work. Viva la difference
    Also I put an action in a Yam C-5  today. I slid  in the action, lined up 
a few hammers & it was instant music. I  juiced the top three hammers for a 
bit more punch & it's really  beautiful. The teacher is more than pleased.
   Dale Erwin

Erwins Pianos  Restorations 
4721 Parker Rd.
Modesto, Ca 95357
Rebuilt  Steinway , Mason &Hamlin  Sales

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