Cracked Bridge-New Baldwin Console-Need Advice

David Ilvedson
Sun, 5 Feb 2006 19:55:40 -0800

Certainly you can take the tension down, get the strings out of the way, put in so good quality epoxy...clamp...crack from the top down?   On the side?....whether this improves the sound...????   I'd pass on the bolt through the soundboard/bridge unless that is a clue as where the crack that case it would be temporary and there is a better way...piano wire through a tiny drilled hole, clamped on one end and I use to have thingee for taking up the tension...

David Ilvedson, RPT
Pacifica, California

----- Original message ----------------------------------------
From: Farrell <>
To: "Pianotech List" <>
Received: 2/5/2006 7:44:57 PM
Subject: Re: Cracked Bridge-New Baldwin Console-Need Advice

>A picture is worth a thousand words - or more! Got one? Hard to imagine that 
>a five year old piano would be DOA from a crack in a bridge - but who knows 
>(without a picture).

>Terry Farrell

>----- Original Message ----- 
>> A customer has a 5 year old Baldwin console with a crack about 12 inches 
>> long in the treble bridge, big enough to stick a business card in.  The 
>> piano sounds like hitting a marimba with a timpani stick.  The owner wants 
>> to replace it.  I'm new at this and don't do shopwork- and I understand 
>> that none of you can diagnose a pian on line- but do you think I could 
>> somehow get some CA between the strings, into the crack, and drill a hole 
>> through the bridge/soundboard and put in a nut and bolt?  I thought, if 
>> it's going to be replaced, I might as well learn something.
>> (It was seen by a friend of mine who does extensive rebuilding and 
>> proclaimed the PSO to be DOA)
>> Any suggestions are sincerely appreciated.  Thanks,
>> Greg Livingston 

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