Using an ETD to hone aural skills

A440 Piano Service
Wed, 8 Feb 2006 18:21:23 -0700

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Hi people,I'm trying to hone my aural tuning skills and I've come up =
with a method... I'd like to hear others' feedback on this particular =
method, and about any other kinds of methods you might recommend.

Today I had a nice tuning in a quiet house.  It was a Yamaha Grand, a
C3 in good shape.  So I took the opportunity to "keep score" on my
aural tuning.  I used Potter F-A II.

What I did was:
1.  Take F-A-C readings and let the SAT calculate a tuning.
2.  Set the A4 with the machine.
3.  Tune the temperament by ear from there.
4.  Compare my note with the machine's calculation.
5.  Write down how far off I was (in cents).
6.  Re-tune with machine and go to the next note, lather, rinse and

Here's my scorecard:
A3: -.1
F3:  -.2
F4:  +.9
C#4:  -.8
D4:  dead on!
A#3: -2.7, retried: -2.2.  Found out D4 (where I was tuning the third
from had drifted flat - gotta work on my stability!)

F#3: -.5
D#4: dead on!
B3:  -2.8  (oops!)  retry: dead on!
G3:  +.2
E4:  -.4
C4:  dead on!
G#3: -.8
F#4: -.1
G4:  dead on
G#4: -.3

So howzzat?  Not too bad, I'm thinking.  My tendency looks to be that
I tend to tune flat (slower beating), but I think I'll need a few more
scorecards to make a statistical judgement.  And I have to work on the
stability thing, too, obviously.  I get so caught up in the beat
speeds that I lose track of that fundamental skill of setting the
string and the pin.

Are any of you doing practice things with your ETDs?  How do you use =
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