pianos in the news

J Patrick Draine draine@comcast.net
Thu, 9 Feb 2006 07:40:31 -0500

Today's Boston Globe has two articles of interest:

Piano rebates. The Business Section has an article entitled "Deferred  
rebates face state probe", focussing on rebate offers of as much as  
65%, but payoff on the rebate is deferred by THREE YEARS! The company  
that offers the rebate program (Cashback America Inc.) doesn't  
guarantee that they'll be able to pay out 100% when the rebate comes  
due -- they assume that X% of purchasers don't remember to apply for  
the rebate, or they don't meet all the stringent requirements for the  
rebate (including the original bill of sale, copy of auto license,  
and a recent utility bill!!). If (god forbid) a higher percentage of  
folks properly apply for the rebate,  the amount available for payout  
is pooled and the customers get a reduced % share of the pot. Roger's  
Pianos and East Coast Piano are mentioned in the article; the  
Massachusetts attorney general's office is investigating ...

MacMansions. Meanwhile, in the Style & Arts Section, there's an  
article for the nouveau riche who have purchased or custom built a  
5K-10K plus square foot suburban palace, suddenly faced with all that  
empty space, and nothing to put in it! In the sidebar with decorating  
tips, well below ones such as "Buy art in bulk", but just above  
"decorate a room for your dog", is "Grand pianos make excellent space  
fillers in large, formal living rooms."
Have a great day,
Patrick Draine

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