
Barbara Richmond piano57@insightbb.com
Fri, 10 Feb 2006 09:05:57 -0600

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Looks like this should be on ptg-l.

Barbara Richmond
  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Mike Kurta=20
  To: PTG Topics ; Pianotech=20
  Sent: Friday, February 10, 2006 8:24 AM
  Subject: Upgrading.....

      Standing back and taking a long look at the number of associates =
who have not upgraded, how about a personal approach on a chapter level? =
 Though there needs to be good incentives to move to RPT status, would a =
one-on-one, face-to-face conversation with each associate by another =
chapter member, officer or not, would yeild more results than all the =
machinations from higher up?  Find out personally if the member has =
interest in upgrading, and if so, how can the chapter help to move =
him/her in that direction?  There are some who have no interest and will =
never be an RPT for whatever reason.  However, they still want to be a =
part of the organization.  That may always be.  But the associates who =
plan to become RPT's perhaps can best be served by a dialogue in person, =
privately, quietly,  from another member,  and that person could also be =
his/her mentor through the process.   Flame suit on and ready.....
      Mike Kurta 
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