Bridge notch anomaly morphing into voicing

John Dorr
Tue, 28 Feb 2006 07:31:38 -0700

David, you wrote:


>You said this was newer...1 year old or so? Personally, I'd go through and >check the density in the shoulders. Can you get a needle in at 11:00 am and >1:00 pm...;-]???
>You probably need to consider 30 some stitches on each shoulder...all around >never get good tone for any length of time...

>David Ilvedson, RPT
>Pacifica, California

It's about 3 or 4 years old.  And yes, the hammers are pretty hard but I can 
get the needle in without too much trouble.  I worked about 6 -8 stitches just 
north and south of the strike point, about 11:30 and 12:30, so in the 
neighborhood you suggest.  My needles went in about 1/16".  How deep are you 


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