Up & down vs; side to side string motion was; false beats from ?? -...

Ric Brekne ricbrek@broadpark.no
Sun, 01 Jan 2006 11:36:59 +0100

Hi Ric

No doubt that string seating yields a significant improvment in the 
overall sound.  I dont really find that it addresses this particular 
kind of false beat one way or the other  however.  Larger bridge pins 
might work sometimes but clearly they dont always prevent this kind of 
false beat either.

What we do have is a few good tricks we know that have a good effect. 
Both for this kind of false beat and for other kinds of falsness. 
Prudent use of each and every one of these is definantly in order, and 
that includes appropriate and carefull string seating for sure. But the 
fact that we know some tricks that work does not mean we understand 
exactly whats causeing this or that or the other kind of falsness.  
Interesting to bounce ideas off one another to be sure, but I dont think 
a real answer will be soon in comming.

In the mean time... keep useing your back of tricks !


............which brings me back to the suggestion that more substantial  
bridge pins and their seating could benefit top trebles enormously in the  
conventional piano.

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