New Year's rant; my 2 cents

Susan Kline
Mon, 02 Jan 2006 10:44:00 -0800

Sounds okay to me, Terry. Let's put this thread to rest ...


At 10:06 AM 1/2/2006 -0800, you wrote:
>Here's a common scenario for me. Grand piano has not been cleaned in maybe 
>20 years. Dust/debris rust, you name it. Action blanketed with dust. A 
>good Hour or more to to a "proper" cleaning. Client agrees to "technical 
>cleaning" fee and sees and appreciates the benifits. Afterwards, a string 
>cover is recommended to keep it that way. A DC might also be suggested. 
>This scenario is similar for the verticals as well, although, unless a 
>spinet, the cleaning will usually not take as long. This is a business, 
>and although I love what I do, time IS money, and I make no apologies for 
>charging for my time. I am also a salesman, as ALL successful 
>entrepreneurs are. I start selling my services from the first call from a 
>potential client. I believe in my talents and abilities and that 
>translates to the client who in turn hires me on the basis that I will 
>deliver outstanding service for his/her money. Yes, if it's just a matter 
>fixing a couple sticky keys or something that may only take 5 minutes,  I 
>will NOT charge extra.
>Terry Peterson

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