New Years Resolution

Susan Kline
Mon, 02 Jan 2006 12:59:16 -0800

At 12:48 PM 1/2/2006 -0800, you wrote:
>Ooohhh.  I respectfully beg to differ.  I prepared dozens of new Yamaha 
>grands over the last 6 years, and in my experience, the repetition springs 
>are ALWAYS too strong, and the jack position always needs refinement 
>(especially after you weaken the springs,) which brings the letoff closer, 
>but usually not close enough, then ya gotta do the drop, then ya gotta 
>make SURE the blow distance is at least 46mm and the key travel is a hair 
>over 10mm.
>These things above, plus getting the glides right (I've talked about this 
>before) makes a striking improvement in the spielart and tone of the 
>piano. Very satisfying, because I've experienced it to be a predictable 
>outcome every time.
>David Andersen

Thanks, David

I bow to your experience. It would be good for Rick to attempt that level of
regulation, too. Might it be, though, that in humid Georgia those springs 
will be
closer to the right strength? Perhaps they set up the pianos so that they
have a safety fudge factor for the more difficult climates?


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