New Years Resolution

David Andersen
Mon, 02 Jan 2006 13:18:00 -0800

> Thanks, David
> I bow to your experience. It would be good for Rick to attempt that level of
> regulation, too. Might it be, though, that in humid Georgia those springs
> will be
> closer to the right strength? Perhaps they set up the pianos so that they
> have a safety fudge factor for the more difficult climates?
> Susan

Absolutely---the way they leave their pianos is brilliantly intentional;
it's the best way TO leave a piano if you figure the initial setup and the
100-200-hour service will not be done, or to anticipate the vagaries of
wildly different climates. And tragically, most pianos don't get that level
of service, and most dealers laugh at doing more regulation on a Yamaha---in
fact, most dealers will look at you as if you're nuts, because Yamahas have
a rep as being good right out of the box.  And they are----they can just be
a lot better with a little love-making.

David A.

P.S. it's raining on and on here---straight for the last 16 hours---light
but steady.

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