<oops> for Marshall

Susan Kline skline@peak.org
Mon, 02 Jan 2006 13:47:49 -0800

At 09:31 PM 1/2/2006 +0000, you wrote:
>Would you purchase the rosewood extension hammer or the smaller extension 
>hammer?  Have a good one.

Hello, Marshall

I use an A-440 fork, but of course you can get C forks as well, if they 
suit your temperament sequence better.

I use the nylon extension hammer, myself. It's nearly indestructible. The 
rosewood is pretty, of course. I once cracked a rosewood hammer trying to 
<blush> hammer a pedal lyre wedge in with it. I was very much younger than 
I am now ... oh, by the way, it's good to have a rubber mallet for that 
sort of task.

I use my extension lever kind of long, but as a guy you probably don't need 
to. It's handier when it's shorter, but takes more muscle to turn.


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