Silly Question #1 - What I Found

Andrew and Rebeca Anderson
Wed, 04 Jan 2006 07:17:50 -0600

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What happened to the rail over the keys?

Andrew Anderson
At 09:41 PM 1/3/2006, you wrote:
>Got to the house locked and loaded and ready for any 
>problem.  Removed the action easy enough as well as the wooden strip 
>that held the hammers secure for moving.
>I was not expecting to find  2/3's (bass and treble) of the keys 
>jammed up off of the key pins and skewed to the left.  Went ahead 
>and completely pulled the action and placed it on the kitchen island 
>(with customer's permission) for a closer look.  Of course, I took 
>digital pictures before removing the action.  Next, I removed the 
>stack and all the affected keys. Could not find any evidence of 
>damage to action, keys, case or otherwise, so I returned the keys to 
>their proper position and fortunately everything just fell into 
>place and functioned perfectly.  Even the hammerline was straight as 
>could be (with shanks just off the rest felts) with no adjustments 
>required.  Put the action back in and proceeded with tuning whi! ch went fine.
>I am curious to hear what some you think might have happened to 
>cause such a phenomenom as well as your opinions as to whether or 
>not whatever trauma caused this might lead to problems later on.
>Thanks to all who offered assistance!
>Rick Bazemore, RPT
>Social Circle, GA
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