Working while tuning

David Ilvedson
Wed, 4 Jan 2006 9:13:57 -0800

It takes years to get the skills but you can present a professional image right from the start.   
Good business name, well done business cards, yellow page advertisement makes you 
legit in many peoples eyes.   It doesn't have to be expensive.    It will bring you business.   
Word of mouth is the best of course but you don't have any business yet and no one spreading the word...

David Ilvedson, RPT
Pacifica, California

----- Original message ----------------------------------------
From: "Greg Newell" <>
To: Pianotech <>
Received: 1/4/2006 8:28:09 AM
Subject: Re: Working while tuning

>         I would, if I were in your shoes, ask myself the question in 
>reverse, i.e. how would I feel if the guy I trusted my ________ to worked 
>at this craft part time. Many would not have a problem, especially if the 
>price were less expensive than others in town. Some would. It took me a 
>while before stepping out into full time. I expect I'm not alone. You have 
>to start somewhere. Unless you have a hefty bank roll to keep you going 
>through the first years you will likely need to build a clientele before 
>striking out on your own. That's not so bad really as it gives you time to 
>sort out other growing pains like taxes, letterhead, billings, etc. to name 
>a few. As to whether or not the client will be dedicated ... who knows. 
>Always do your very best and they will beat a path to your door. Bad news 
>travels with lightning speed but good news about your work will travels 
>quite slowly. Once you get up a head of steam, however, there's no stopping 
>you. You can only stop yourself by getting sloppy. Good luck to you!


>At 11:11 AM 1/4/2006, you wrote:
>>Does anyone on the list feel that a client will not be as dedicated to
>>you if they know that you are not a full-time tuner/tech yet?
>>I am currently working a full-time job while in the process of breaking
>>into tuning.
>>Thank you
>>pianotech list info:

>Greg Newell
>Greg's piano Forté

>pianotech list info:

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