Working while tuning

Wed, 04 Jan 2006 17:26:41

Hi Mark,

Why would they know that? Just book at the times you have--it may even work
to your advantage--no one wants a tech that is not busy!

I had an interesting reaction when I first got a cell phone. A teacher
phoned and I answered, we made an appointment for that day as she was
having a sticking key problem (g4 actually) and I was able to squeeze her
in between two bookings, before she was to teach for the day. Her husband
said to her "He must not be a very good tuner--as he was home answering his
phone". The only reason I found out this story is that the cell phone rang
while I was fixing her "sticking" key, and the "lights" went on in her
brain. In this case, at least, being "too available" was seen as a
detriment to my abilities as a tech.

At 11:11 AM 1/4/2006 EST, you wrote:
>Does anyone on the list feel that a client will not be as dedicated to 
>you if they know that you are not a full-time tuner/tech yet?
>I am currently working a full-time job while in the process of breaking 
>into tuning.
>Thank you

Don Rose, B.Mus., A.M.U.S., A.MUS., R.P.T.
Non calor sed umor est qui nobis incommodat

3004 Grant Rd. REGINA, SK, S4S 5G7
306-539-0716 or 1-888-29t-uner

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