1917 Wing & Sons upright 4 pedal piano

Ric Brekne ricbrek@broadpark.no
Thu, 05 Jan 2006 19:24:19 +0100

We have a 1917 Wing & Sons upright 4 pedal grand piano

Interesting concept. But one has to wonder what an upright grand piano 
really means.  Is it  a grand piano that is sitting on its long side ?  
With four pedals I supose it can seat two.... but then you'd need wheels 
to pedal it around.... unless it has propellers to go along with the 

Perhaps its an overly ornate upright piano with an equally overly ornate 
set of pedals ? In which case I suppose calling it a <<grand upright 
piano>> might be better descriptive. 

But then grand can also mean very cheerfull.... in which case we have a 
4 pedaled very happy piano (of undefined sort)  in an upright 
position.... which probably means it hasnt had much to drink yet.... or 

 Its old ...hmmm old upright grand piano... perhaps with several 
grandchildren frolicking around... spinets I presume. 


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