1917 Wing & Sons upright 4 pedal piano

Farrell mfarrel2@tampabay.rr.com
Thu, 5 Jan 2006 15:49:14 -0500

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ric Brekne" <ricbrek@broadpark.no>
> We have a 1917 Wing & Sons upright 4 pedal grand piano
> ........
> Interesting concept. But one has to wonder what an upright grand piano 
> really means.  Is it  a grand piano that is sitting on its long side ?

I agree, it is a silly term, but often it means that the piano design 
incorporates some grand piano features such as a laminated bent rim, capo 
bar for treble string terminations, etc.

> With four pedals I supose it can seat two.... but then you'd need wheels 
> to pedal it around.... unless it has propellers to go along with the Wing.

The fourth pedal is for the thingeebajingle (the metal buttons on a 
mute-like rail that drops down between the hammers and strings).


Terry Farrell 

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