Working while tuning

Thu, 5 Jan 2006 15:52:16 -0500

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I use rubber mutes for plain wires on verticals and the long felt mute =
for wound strings in verticals.

Terry Farrell
  ----- Original Message -----=20

  Thank you for the pic. Terry.  Can these felt mutes be used in =
vertical pianos?  HOw do they work in comparison to rubber mutes?

    -------------- Original message --------------=20
    From: "Farrell" <>=20

    Below is a picture of the assortment of felt wedge mutes I use for =
tuning grand pianos. I get them from Pianotek. The two on the right come =
as one big wide one and I cut it in half. Also pictured is my key =
whacker (I mean gently but firm key depressor). (Hey, those old Yamaha =
hammers are good for something!)

    I also use the mute on the lower left for wound strings in =

    Terry Farrell
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