Adhesives for Plastic....(Yeah, I changed it)

Alan Barnard
Fri, 6 Jan 2006 14:58:45 -0600

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Okay, Joe. True confessions. My comment was based on my one-time experience of using a non-waterbased contact cement. Everywhere that the tiniest drop got on the key tops it eroded an ugly spot into it. Then I read some comments on the list about the stuff and, from that formed my "learned" opinion.

Maybe not all are alike. What I used--and still have most of the can left--was DAP Weldwood original. 

Anyway, never agin. With PVC-E all further discussion about contact cement is moot for me.

BTW ANY NEWBIES LURKING OUT THERE: If you haven't found this out yet, pay attention: PVC-E (available from Schaff and other suppliers) is most emphatically NOT to be confused with PVC pipe cement, which is stinky, dangerous, and will absolutely, positively eat up any plastic it touches.

Alan Barnard
Salem, Missouri

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Joseph Garrett 
To: pianotech
Sent: 01/06/2006 12:33:21 AM 
Subject: Adhesives for Plastic....(Yeah, I changed it)

"BTW never, never, never, ever use any contact cement --- except water-based -- for plastic keytops. Unless you want to watch them dissolve ..."

Where the heck did you get that bit of misinformation!??? Contact cement has been used forever, by one of our locals. (I used it for several years, as well.) He refuses to use anything else. His work is impeccable! No warping or any other signs of warping, etc. The only reason I quit using him, is that I don't like the look I get/got from clients whose keytops were falling off, after only a few years!!! Hence, I do my own keytops and I use PVC-E, (from Schaff). It definately takes a lot more time to do them this way, but the tops will stay on! Worth the extra time involved, IMO.

Joe Garrett, R.P.T. (Oregon)
Captain, Tool Police
Squares R I
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