Adhesives for Plastic....(Yeah, I changed it)

Fri, 6 Jan 2006 16:36:44 -0500

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BTW ANY NEWBIES LURKING OUT THERE: If you haven't found this out yet, =
pay attention: PVC-E (available from Schaff and other suppliers) is most =
emphatically NOT to be confused with PVC pipe cement, which is stinky, =
dangerous, and will absolutely, positively eat up any plastic it =

May I ask how you know that?  Hmmmmmm?????   ;-)

Terry Farrell
  ----- Original Message -----=20
  Okay, Joe. True confessions. My comment was based on my one-time =
experience of using a non-waterbased contact cement. Everywhere that the =
tiniest drop got on the key tops it eroded an ugly spot into it. Then I =
read some comments on the list about the stuff and, from that formed my =
"learned" opinion.

  Maybe not all are alike. What I used--and still have most of the can =
left--was DAP Weldwood original.=20

  Anyway, never agin. With PVC-E all further discussion about contact =
cement is moot for me.

  BTW ANY NEWBIES LURKING OUT THERE: If you haven't found this out yet, =
pay attention: PVC-E (available from Schaff and other suppliers) is most =
emphatically NOT to be confused with PVC pipe cement, which is stinky, =
dangerous, and will absolutely, positively eat up any plastic it =

  Alan Barnard
  Salem, Missouri
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