Pitch Raise

gary gmcc@charter.net
Sun, 08 Jan 2006 01:36:37 -0800

Duane, a 'quick and dirty pass' is just that; the tuning sequence done very quickly and to be honest, not very precise.  However, the end goal is to get the overall pitch close.  Then on the second pass, it's not as much work because everything is close. Just remember, the first pass you're not shooting for accuracy.  


I still have never caught on to the two pass theory. I still do one pass
and let the customer know that, for it to be better, don't wait so long
between tunings.

So please expand on your definition of a "quick and dirty" pass.
(meaning actually what do you do - which I probably will try since most
of my customers have old uprights and players.

Thanks you,

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