Alan and David on F3/A4

Mon, 09 Jan 2006 11:14:13

Hi Bob,

Then how do explain Mr Renard's results of 2.3 cents sharp using F3 as the
reference note? This is all smoke and mirrors now. Do what works for
you--but don't confuse a beginner with obfustications.

At 11:57 AM 1/9/2006 EST, you wrote:
>   A small correction. Recently I have read:   "Therefore, if you very
>accurately match the beat rates of F3-Fork and  F3-A4, you will tune A4
>sharp every single time!"   and "If f3 a5 method is used with A5 as the
>coincident partial then A4 will be
>sharp."    Not meaning to embarrass anyone, but just to avoid confusion to
>those learning the trade, this is not correct. A perfectly tuned 440 A4 on
>the piano produces a second partial which is slightly sharp of 880. IF the
>fork produces 880 at A5 (which has recently been called into question), we
>would have to bring A4 DOWN (under 440) to match its 2nd partial to the
>fork's 2nd partial.   Bob Davis

Don Rose, B.Mus., A.M.U.S., A.MUS., R.P.T.
Non calor sed umor est qui nobis incommodat

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