David on F3/A4.....Yes error= flat:

David Renaud drjazzca@yahoo.ca
Mon, 9 Jan 2006 12:45:23 -0500 (EST)

Yes harmonic is sharp, therefore we tune A4 flater.

I never said the error was sharp, just that it was a
2.3cent error. The harmonic is sharp, this produces a
faster beat rate
and we must compensate by lowering the note to slow
down the beat rate. The result is a flat note.

I descibe the harmonic as 2.3 cents sharp and descibe
having to 
LOWER A4 to compensate for the sharp harmonic by
A4 lower to match beat speeds.

What I wrote exactly relating to this is pasted below:
I agree it could have been more clear. 
Sharp harmonic= lowering the note for a flat error
I wrote
F3 the beat speed was too fast because 
we were listening not to the fundamental but
the sharper second partial beat, I SLOWED THAT
DOWN to match the speed with the beating fork

The first harmonic is measurably sharper then the
fundamental generates a faster beat speed then the
fundamental. We will lower A4 flater by exactly the
degree the first
harmonic is sharp to slow it down.

This is not smoke and mirrors,
it is important.

Understanding this requires an understanding of what
partials and harmonics are, understanding where they
coinside, understanding what direction to move the
note to speed up or slow down a beat rate.

A sharp top note in a 10th produces a beat rate that
too fast.
We slow down the beat rate to where we want by
lowering the top note.  

The harmonic is sharp, the beat rate is too fast.
We slow it down to match beat speeds by lowering
the top note, tuning it flat.



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