David on F3/A4.....Yes error= flat:

Don pianotuna@yahoo.com
Mon, 09 Jan 2006 12:17:02

Hi David,

My misreading of your writing. Sorry to all! :X

At 12:45 PM 1/9/2006 -0500, you wrote:
>Yes harmonic is sharp, therefore we tune A4 flater.
>I never said the error was sharp, just that it was a
>2.3cent error. The harmonic is sharp, this produces a
>faster beat rate
>and we must compensate by lowering the note to slow
>down the beat rate. The result is a flat note.
>I descibe the harmonic as 2.3 cents sharp and descibe
>having to 
>LOWER A4 to compensate for the sharp harmonic by
>A4 lower to match beat speeds.
>What I wrote exactly relating to this is pasted below:
>I agree it could have been more clear. 
>Sharp harmonic= lowering the note for a flat error
>I wrote
>F3 the beat speed was too fast because 
>we were listening not to the fundamental but
>the sharper second partial beat, I SLOWED THAT
>DOWN to match the speed with the beating fork
>The first harmonic is measurably sharper then the
>fundamental generates a faster beat speed then the
>fundamental. We will lower A4 flater by exactly the
>degree the first
>harmonic is sharp to slow it down.
>This is not smoke and mirrors,
>it is important.
>Understanding this requires an understanding of what
>partials and harmonics are, understanding where they
>coinside, understanding what direction to move the
>note to speed up or slow down a beat rate.
>A sharp top note in a 10th produces a beat rate that
>too fast.
>We slow down the beat rate to where we want by
>lowering the top note.  
>The harmonic is sharp, the beat rate is too fast.
>We slow it down to match beat speeds by lowering
>the top note, tuning it flat.

Don Rose, B.Mus., A.M.U.S., A.MUS., R.P.T.
Non calor sed umor est qui nobis incommodat

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