Message for chapters

R.Moffatt & Sons Piano
Mon, 9 Jan 2006 15:44:05 -0700

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January 09, 2005

Dear Mr. Swafford:

Thank you for your reply to my post. I will take your advise and contact =
the regional vice president.   Although you were the only one to reply =
on this forum, I received numerous posts sent personally and have gained =
a great deal of insight regarding this matter.  Thank you all for taking =
the time in helping us with this matter.


Louise Moffatt
Calgary, Alberta

R.Moffatt & Sons Piano
2323 Lincoln Drive S.W.
Calgary, Alberta ,  Canada T3E 5G4
Phone. 403.243.0385
Fax.     403.243.6821

  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Kent Swafford=20
  To: Pianotech=20
  Sent: Saturday, January 07, 2006 2:24 PM
  Subject: Re: Message for chapters

  Regional vice presidents of the Piano Technicians Guild can sometimes =
be of great assistance to those having difficulty for one reason or =
another in becoming members of PTG.

  Contacts are available at:

  Kent Swafford
  Piano Technicians Guild

  On Jan 7, 2006, at 2:27 PM, R.Moffatt & Sons Piano wrote:

    Hi Jeanni,

    A little off the topic you are discussing, but PTG related. My =
husband and two Sons applied for associate membership to the local =
chapter about a year ago. My husband was a member from 1975 to 1985, was =
factory trained by Yamaha for one year in 1974, and has trained at least =
one member of the local chapter.  We both encouraged our boys to join =
the PTG firstly because of their positions - being responsible for and =
maintaining a very unique keyboard collection our community is so =
fortunate to have.  Secondly, as a sign of good faith and encouragement =
my husband would re-join as well.  We both agree with your statement =
that the PTG can be a very good resource, in the piano technology  field =
you never stop learning.  My youngest son was accepted as an associate =
but not so for my husband and eldest son.

    When we asked why (question put to the then president of the =
chapter), he said they had a "secret ballot" and was not allowed to give =
a reason. Is this "normal" PTG procedure?  It seems to me to contradict =
the PTG "mission statement."=20

    Could you, or anyone else with a similar experience, shed a little =
light? My husband Bob has asked me not to bother with this but.....I am =
curious and will hit the "send" button.

    Thank you

    Louise Moffatt
    Calgary, Alberta

    R.Moffatt & Sons Piano
    2323 Lincoln Drive S.W.
    Calgary, Alberta ,  Canada T3E 5G4
    Phone. 403.243.0385
    Fax.     403.243.6821


      ----- Original Message -----
      From: Dean May
      To: 'Pianotech'
      Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 10:58 AM
      Subject: RE: Message for chapters

      Jeanni wrote:

      It might take a while of attending meetings before people will =
respond to your needs.  The members may not jump up and come to your =
rescue just because you showed up. Give them a chance to see how serious =
you are about learning, to get to know you and appreciate you as a =
person.  I've seen it happen time after time..... after this "getting to =
know you" period, someone may just step forward and take you under =
his/her wing.  PTG is a great resource, but like anything else, it's up =
to you to make most of the effort to learn.=20

      Jeanni had some excellent things to say but I wanted to comment on =
this. It is always difficult to =93break in=94 to any kind of group, =
particularly one that is exclusive and closed. Add to the mix someone =
inexperienced in the craft who is suffering perceived intimidation from =
the other expert attenders and it is especially difficult. I had been in =
the business almost 20 years before I joined my =93local=94 chapter (80 =
miles local) so I was not inexperienced in the craft but I still felt =
intimidated and like an outsider. Not that the others in the chapter are =
snobbish, far from it. It is just the nature of things.

      It would behoove all of us involved in local chapters to take =
steps to minimize this breaking in period. It has to be intentional; it =
won=92t happen automatically. Name badges are a very good first step. =
They are cheap and they work. It is hard to develop any kind of friendly =
relationship when every time you see someone you are embarrassed because =
you can=92t remember their name. A photo directory would also be good.

      And then old timers have to go out of their comfort zone to make =
newcomers feel friendly and welcome. This involves conversation, guys. =
That=92s the thing we see women doing with each other when we see their =
lips moving. ;-)  There were 2 or 3 regulars in my chapter that did this =
for me, and it works.


      Dean May             cell 812.239.3359   812.235.5272

      Terre Haute IN  47802

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