Baldin Acrosonic 2090

Rob Kiddell
Wed, 11 Jan 2006 14:26:26 -0700

I just tuned a 2096 yesterday:

Lift the lid to about 20 degrees inclination and pull the lid towards you on 
the bass side. The hinges are two slider pins that are about 2" long. The 
lid will slide off as you pull it forwards. You have to re-position it and 
slide it backwards to replace it. Keep the top at a good angle so you don't 
hit the front board with the lid edge moulding. Take your time, it will come 
off easily.


Rob Kiddell RPT
Edmonton, Canada

> Do the lids to a Baldwin Acrosonic open enough to reach all pins? Or
> will I need to do something else?
> I am tuning one tomorrow and don't want to look a fool.
> Please help!
> Thank you very much
> Mark

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