Baldin Acrosonic 2090
Wed, 11 Jan 2006 16:11:03 EST

Thank you John!
This will be of great help. 

The older Acrosonics will, but you might have to use your lever in a
3-4 o'clock position (if you're right-handed). It depends on whether
you have to pull it away from the wall to give you enough room (music
desks vary). I use the lid prop by Spurlock which is easily adjustable
so you can get the lid up wherever you want it.<br>
On the newer Acros, you'll have to remove two pins from the bass 
and the entire lid  will come off. <br>
John Formsma<br>

Do the lids to a Baldwin Acrosonic open enough to reach all pins? Or 
will I need to do something else?
I am tuning one tomorrow and don't want to look a fool.

Please help!

Thank you very much


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