The Beat that isn't -- or is it?

Thu, 12 Jan 2006 07:43:15

Hi Ric,

You are right--it doesn't "add up" at all. It subtracts. Look at one second
of the sin wave scan. You will see the 7 "peaks" from the secondary
resultant easily visible.

At 10:46 AM 1/12/2006 +0100, you wrote:
>The sine waves that I combined together to make the wave file I posted 
>show no measureable overtones using Tunelabs Inharmonicity tool. Neither 
>could Cybertuner pick anything up.  Now the phase display that Tunelab 
>has showed a very intermittent response at around 880 for the 440 
>signal.  This response faded in and out and its frequency wavered quite 
>a bit. I doubt that this is an overtone per se. I fail to see how these 
>non existing coincidents can account for the beat rate in the wave file. 
>And so I question whether or not it is there. This echos Ed's and others 
>ponderments and its a fair question. And  I dont see that  simple 
>coincident partials theory provides an answer to it.
>Every link I find that describes tuning forks describes them as 
>instruments that have (for all practical purposes) no overtones.  Such 
>as the below. Several sights which describe experiments like the one you 
>did with your cybertuner attribute (sometimes) presence of very weak 
>overtones that are not accounted for by the design of the tuning fork to 
>sympathetic vibration from surrounding material... such as what ever you 
>grounded your tuning fork on.  John Walker tuning forks make a real big 
>point out of emphazising the <<overtone free>> characteristic of their 
>tuning forks in all their advertising.   One other point. The duration 
>and strength of your <<overtone>> is not sufficient to account for the 
>long duration and intensity of the beating between the fork and the non 
>coincident F3.
>I say something doesnt add up. 

Don Rose, B.Mus., A.M.U.S., A.MUS., R.P.T.
Non calor sed umor est qui nobis incommodat

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