
Paul Chick (Earthlink)
Thu, 12 Jan 2006 10:00:07 -0600

Subject: threadbear

Hi, does any one know the thread size on the wire stickers of a Kimbal
I do not have easy access to the instrument and know the rubber has bonded
to the wire, and will make installing the new nuts real hard. Removal of the
action is not an option, or I would use my mini torch to burn off the old
rubber. Size of rod and TPI
Joe Goss RPT

If memory serves me right, the threads on the rods are rolled, not cut with
a die. Rolled threads will be larger in diameter then the rod, but the right
size for the nut. Running a die over them will decrease their diameter.  The
nut will be quite loose. Test very carefully.

Paul C

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