AAA Yellow Pages trade listing

Sat, 14 Jan 2006 08:45:51 -0700

At 10:18 PM 1/13/2006 -0800, you wrote:
>Any way of seeing what that looks like in the Yellow Pages?   I think it's 
>a good idea...
>David Ilvedson, RPT
>Pacifica, California

If it's not already there, look in the YP under automobile dealers. There 
will be trade listings for the different manufacturers. There are usually 
trade listings for Briggs and Stratton, Merrill Lynch, Sherwin-Williams, 
etc., that have multiple participants. With some mfgs., I bet they do 
ad-share with the dealers. Baldwin used to, years ago. You'll see what I 
mean when you realize what you're looking for.

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