
Sun, 15 Jan 2006 15:03:43 -0500

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IMHO, the Annual PTG Convention (what is referred to here as the =
"National", even though folks from all over the world are invited and =
attend) is very cost-effective, and therefore, not expensive.

And what do the acronyms MARC and NEECSO stand for?

Terry Farrell
  ----- Original Message -----=20
  John Ross said: "=20
  National, is bigger, 800 +. I was at one in Toronto, late 80's, and I =
believe around 1100.
  MARC is a regional, as is NEECSO, they are smaller, 150 +.
  I really enjoyed the MARC, I attended last year, it could give the =
'National' a run for it's money. I also enjoyed the NEECSO's I usually =
attend, as I tend to see more familiar faces.
  This year, there is no MARC or NEECSO, because of the 'National', =
being in that area.
  Go, you will never regret it."
  One National in 26 years???!!! About time you attended another on =
IMO!!<G> Sheesh! It behooves us all to attend, at least, one every 5-10 =
years. There is soooooo much stuff that will make your job =
better/easier/more profitalble, I can't begin to tell ya! All =
conventions, be they regional or national are a great way to meet new =
friends and smoosch!<G> Yes, it is expensive! No, you will not regret =
  Just my inflated USD opinion.=20

  Joe Garrett, R.P.T. (Oregon)
  Captain, Tool Police
  Squares R I

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