Sun, 15 Jan 2006 18:13:36 EST

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In a message dated 1/15/06 3:05:33 PM, writes:

> IMHO, the Annual PTG Convention (what is referred to here as the 
> "National", even though folks from all over the world are invited and attend) is very 
> cost-effective, and therefore, not expensive.

Terry you are correct about it being "cost effective" especially if one has 
never attended...even if one has attended a few, or many, it is well 

 As for the "national" thingee...PTG does not have a 'National' convention 
although some insist on calling it that........ according to our bylaws we have 
an "annual convention". Perhaps the name 'national' sticks around to 
differentiate the "PTG Annual" from all the regional thingees which are also held once 
a year. ??????
Jim Bryant (FL)

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