Piano work; was Freebees-

Erwinspiano@aol.com Erwinspiano@aol.com
Tue, 17 Jan 2006 15:57:27 EST

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  I see you are a true entrepreneur.  I like your attitude!

+ Can you tune in a day care center and keep  smiling?
+ Challenge yourself to tune with a noisy  refrigerator screaming at you. Or 
washer. Or dryer with tennis shoe in  drum.
+ Horrible piano?  Enjoy the people and  develop friendship or sell them a 
new piano at the dealer and make  spiff.
+ Make friends with child who plays piano, teach  child what is going on with 
piano and child will be the one asking for you to  come back and service 
+ Set sample key perfect and show player how  much better note plays. Say 
piano will play better with regulation and  you'll throw in free vacuum, too.
+Clean fallboard of shiny piano with Cory Piano  Polish while customer is 
writing out check. Sell bottle of polish and pay  for  nice lunch.
+ Sticky upright action after move? Problem is  moisture. Borrow customer 
hair-dryer and free up 80% of problem notes. Sell  Dampp Chaser, use Protek and 
go to nice restaurant with wife and  kids.
+ Ask customer if they have piano in church; ask  for introduction to 
pianist. Get 7 pianos to tune next week.
+ Learn to do one new service or repair every  day. Each item worth maybe one 
hour average. Rate x time  x number working days of year gives you that many 
dollar raise for  year potential. Would you settle for half even?
+ Don't play piano? Learn. Learn one new simple  song every month. Play one 
hundred times. Perform like expert.
OK, it's time for my nap.
Joseph Alkana RPT


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