One Piano Per....??

James H Frazee
Tue, 17 Jan 2006 18:42:28 -0500

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Thanks.  As you'll see, the Pianoet data was my original source for this =
data.  Data for 2003/2004 was not yet available and has still not been =
audited.  My analysis is extrapolated from their tables and compared =
with other sources.  Alas, there is no really hard source for these =
things - I can tell you to within a half-ounce how much Campbell's =
Tomato Soup has been sold, where, to whom, at what time of day, etc.  =
but our industry has not progressed that far nor will it ever.  Why?  =
Because the entire industry spends less on advertising than the lowliest =
brand at P&G.  Such is the nature of the beast  . . .

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