One Piano per......

Wed, 18 Jan 2006 19:44:34 -0500

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Hi Joe,
I assume you sent me this as a private e-mail about 50,000 supporting =
one tech.  We have about 9 including me although I'm a new tech still =
learning and growing, in my skills that is, unless my wife keeps =
bringing h ome ice cream :)  Anyway, we have 9 plus even more cropping =
up in an area of maybe 91 thousand in st. joseph county not including =
Elkhart county. I'm in Notredam country incase yoru wondering.  Instead =
of Bend OR, this is South Bend, IN. :)  Anyway, I suspect that myarea is =
pretty saturated.  Wouldn't you think?  I'm sort of stuck here for the =
time being and am going to make the best of it.  I'm going to get door =
hangers and try putting them around the area.  What was the name of that =
printing CO. where you purchase yoru invoices?  Perhaps they also make =
flyers and door hangers. =20

Just a note about my cold calling toic earlier.  I did ask if these =
folks had a regular piano technician, or tuner as people know it. I =
wouldn't undercut another tech.  Take care.
  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Joseph Garrett=20
  To: pianotech=20
  Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2006 3:54 PM
  Subject: Re: One Piano per......

  Back in the 70's someone came up with the ratio of  " population of =
20,000 will support 1 Tech". I rather suspect that number has changed =
markedly with the "free time"/"entertainment time" quotient being so =
changed today. I would suspect it would take 50,000 today, to support 1 =

  Joe Garrett, R.P.T. (Oregon)
  Captain, Tool Police
  Squares R I

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