Lightening touch by changing damper timing redux

william ballard
Thu, 19 Jan 2006 07:52:57 -0500

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On Jan 19, 2006, at 6:24 AM, Farrell wrote:
> That brings up a whole 'nuther question: what is the desired range 
> (s) of increase to touchweight that damper lift would induce?

You're right, it's an entirely separate business from action  
resistance. Here, as in the action, lighter would seem to be an  
advantage to a pianist who sits down at the piano as a musical  
instrument rather than an exercise machine. but the real trade-off is  
between lighter and prompter.

> I don't know that I've ever read anything about that.

Not on this list, I don't think. Various people have worked this out  
for themselves.

Mr. Bill

"There are fifty ways to screw up on this job. If you can think of  
twenty of them, you're a genius......and you aint no genius"
     ...........Mickey Rourke to William Hurt, in "Body Heat",  
discussing arson.
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