HAMMER HANGING JIG, from spurlock

David Ilvedson ilvey@sbcglobal.net
Thu, 19 Jan 2006 14:36:21 -0800

plies sost?   tush pen?   You've been in Norway too long...;-]

I'm assuming you mean you mark the strike point of the old and new hammers at the end of each section?   What I like about Bill's is the block against the shoulders...you can push up against it when aligning the hammers...why couldn't you just extend Bill's jig to cover the entire action...I wonder?   Long block like you have for the tails to rest on.   a piece from one end to other for aligning the tails ala Bill's jig and a long adjustable piece higher up for the shoulders to align next to...maybe the set up would be time consuming especially when the old hammers to match a straight line?...musings

Does seem like a piece of white string against white hammers would make it a bit hard to see the space?   No problems though?

David Ilvedson, RPT
Pacifica, California

----- Original message ----------------------------------------
From: "Ric Brekne" <ricbrek@broadpark.no>
To: pianotech <pianotech@ptg.org>
Received: 1/19/2006 2:12:22 PM
Subject: HAMMER HANGING JIG, from spurlock

>Grin... Manjuanna... or however you spell that :)

>Simple enough tho.... leftover peice of tuning block mounted on an 
>adjustable height stand.  Tails sit on the tuning block. A dark black 
>tush pen has marked along the midpoint along one of the plies sost I 
>have this very straight line for the tails and I have a string run 
>across all the hammers at the middle of the shoulder.  If a hammer is 
>angled out with the tail on the line then the string deflects... if its 
>angled in then you see a space between the string and hammer... Along 
>with a good eyeball beed line.... well it works great and lasts a long time.



>Come on...you know you want to send us a photo...;-]    

>David Ilvedson, RPT
>Pacifica, California
>Pianotech list info: https://www.moypiano.com/resources/#archives

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