Soundboard rib question

Ric Brekne
Sat, 21 Jan 2006 21:59:09 +0100

Well.... it IS felt stiped off. I actually cleaned up this thing and 
roughed it up to 435 to just get a basic idea of the sound.  Neat bass 
considering its condition.. tho the treble up over got pretty hollow.  
As Ed pointed out the panel is in remarkable shape really... a 4  cracks 
and no sign of compression ridges... which (as he also pointed out) 
makes one wonder just how much compression there was.  Ribs however 
being so few and what they were might goe a ways towards explaining 
this. That said I am just guessing about the origional crowning.  Tho 
I'm assuming there was crown designed into the thing from the get go... 
and if thats the case... then why the thin and wide ribs  unless they 
were meant to be easily <<bent>> ?


Terry the F writes :

I can't imagine that could ever be bad, except I wonder about all the
sympathetic ringing that is bound to occur.....

Terry Farrell

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