RCT vs. Verituner (opinions from a newly convert)

Farrell mfarrel2@tampabay.rr.com
Sat, 21 Jan 2006 18:17:32 -0500

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Why would I want a cover for it? I have a soft cloth and an inch of foam =
covering it now when it is in my case. Is that not sufficient? Is there =
a problem with screen durability that I am not aware of?

Terry Farrell
  ----- Original Message -----=20
  I am supprised that you do not have the VT cover. Perhaps it is an =
extra that is sold seperatly.
  Just a piece of 1/4" plexi glass with a velcro strap that wraps =
arround the unit.
  One could use a 1/4" piece of ply wood with the velcro. One only needs =
to protect the screen.
  The velcro strap is only about one inch of the stickum part the rest =
  Joe Goss RPT
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