broken Steinway lyre braces

Sun, 22 Jan 2006 12:19:57 +0100 (CET)


"and a really good reason to grow a couple of extra arms"

or howabout Steinway actually take an interest in one of the few things
their competitors are better at, and change the system to make it similar
to lets say... Yamaha! - plus those wooden sticks are easy to get lost in
the black floor of a stage when collecting the piano after 2am (if any of
you do Steinway concert hire i bet you'll agree). Oh, and the new cleats
work very well, but when the springs missbehave....

Aswell as the sticks... there is the fall system... not good if you are in
a hurry and the thing decides to dismantle itself in "midair"!

Perhaps the 8yr long apprenticeship at Steinway Hamburg is where you grow
those extra arms needed...



> Me too. The original system is simple, elegant, solid, dependable,
> and a really good reason to grow a couple of extra arms, the better
> to put a lyre on by yourself, under the piano in the dark, steering
> the lyre and both props into place all at once against gravity and
> back cramps. Really, if you survive the installation process, it's a
> nicely functional system.
> Really,
> Ron N
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