Soundboard rib question

Ric Brekne
Sun, 22 Jan 2006 12:32:14 +0100


Your suggestion below is definatly on my list of options.  I think 
regardless of what I decide in the end I will be putting new ribs on... 
even if they end up being of same dimension. As to the amount of 
crown... thats one of the issues I need feedback on, and will rely 
heavily on the advice of the designer that ends up being involved. You 
can see the grain in the first picture I posted a few mails back. But I 
will re-attach it here for your convenience.  The bridge cap is not 
badly split... but I see no reason to not renew it when I am first going 
to the lengths of pulling the soundboard.

Another (primary) reason for pulling the soundboard is to make sure all 
the beams, rim, case... basic structure is solid as a rock. Bolducs 
lecture in Stockholm convinced me that this was at least as important to 
a successfull rebuild as any soundboard could ever be. 



For this piano, I would maybe unglue the soundboard and and reassemble with
with the original ribs (if they are still good) or with new ribs (copies of
the original ones). And perhaps change the bridge cap if it's badly split.
It is also likely that the piano didn't have a crown when new. How does the
grain go?


 Calin Tantareanu

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