Can anything be done with a '"Teflon Steinway", short of actionreplacement ?

Conrad Hoffsommer
Mon, 23 Jan 2006 18:05:12 -0600

At 15:58 1/23/2006, you wrote:
>This is second hand (was is from Conrad?), but I read somewhere that the 
>pianos that used the old Teflon repetitions along with the improved NY 
>shanks and flanges weren't too bad--or least they were better than a 
>complete Teflon action.  Why don't you test it out by hanging a few 
>hammers on that kind of shank (17 mm knuckle placement) and see what you 
>get?  It's still a lot of work, but it's not a <total> action replacement.
>Barbara Richmond, RPT

Nope, not from me. Last year, however, I _did_ put turbo wippens in and 
eliminated a LOT of lead from a teflon B.

Piano prof's who use it are _very_ happy with the change.

Conrad Hoffsommer

Early to rise: early to bed;
Makes a man healthy, and socially dead.

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