Can anything be done with a '"Teflon Steinway", short of action replacement ?

David Skolnik
Mon, 23 Jan 2006 22:21:30 -0500

Gordon -
Others have made some good points about possible causes for your 
discomfort, apart from the teflon itself.  In fact, your post quite spare 
of useful detail.  You say it feels heavy, clumsy, and uneven.  You say you 
play the piano daily, but you don't say if you tune and regulate it.  Have 
the hammers been replaced?  If so, with what?  What, precisely is the 
friction like at the various centers (hammer; rep; jack; rep. lever; damper 
(both)?  You don't mention the action clicking.  Is that because it's been 
repinned?  If so, it may have been made to tight.  Has it been 
regulated?  What shape are the knuckles?  Where are the jacks aligned?  If 
the rep levers are tight to too tight, the rep. lever spring might be 
noticeably  strong.  Any other useful info you can provide?

That's enough to start with.

David Skolnik

At 01:36 PM 1/23/2006 -0800, you wrote:
>Dear Everyone,
>     I play almost daily now on a 70's "L" in the lobby
>of a  fancy hotel, and the "Teflon Action" is killing
>me! Too heavy, clumsy feeling, uneven, etc.. I have
>replaced a couple of these, but wonder what
>alternative steps might help this thing, in case the
>management doesn't want to spring for a full
>     Thanks!
>     G
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