Did somebody mention Teflon?

A440A@aol.com A440A@aol.com
Mon, 23 Jan 2006 21:00:51 EST

Jon writes:

<< I usually ream and burnish to same-size re-pin but can't seem to get beyond
4 half-swings. And mostly halting at the third.
Help >>

I have a set of the straight reamers that I have rolled between two files 
placed head-to-tail.  I do this at the very base of the reamer, so that I can 
avoid it in normal use.  This rolling created a "thread" on the surface of the 
reamer that is just a little more aggressive than the original. When I need just 
a little bit more looseness than the nominal dimension of the reamer gives 
me, I carefully insert this part of the reamer and give it 1/2 twist before 
drawing it straight out.  


Ed Foote RPT 

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