McGyver Soundboard Band-Aid

David Ilvedson
Tue, 24 Jan 2006 7:20:00 -0800

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Well, #1 you should always use your competitors business cards when doi=
ng that kind of repair...;-]

David Ilvedson, RPT
Pacifica, California

Original message
To: "Pianotech List" 
Received: 1/24/2006 1:12:42 AM
Subject: Re: McGyver Soundboard Band-Aid

By telling the truth, you have begun a good customer relationship.
This is excellent business practice.
Ed Sutton

-----Original Message----- 
From: A440 Piano Service 
Sent: Jan 24, 2006 8:17 AM 
To: PTG List 
Subject: McGyver Soundboard Band-Aid 

Good Morning All,
Yesterday I called on a lady with a nice old Knabe Upright.  During the=
 inspection phase of the service I found a few buzzes when certain bass=
 strings were played.  Further inspection revealed the buzzes were eman=
ating from soundboard cracks.  YIKES!  She had been hearing them, too, =
and they were annoying her.  I fixed those buzzes on the spot by foldin=
g a couple of business cards and inserting them into the cracks.  I tol=
d her that once I practiced doing soundboard shim repairs on a couple o=
f "guinea pigs" in my garage, I'd contact her about doing the repairs t=
he right way.  She's interested in having them done.
I made the decision to do the band-aid in the meantime like that becaus=
e I know she plays the piano often, and she lives alone, and it was so =
out of tune!  I just didn't want to turn around and leave by dismissing=
 the piano until the repairs could be done.
What I'd like to ask those of you with more experience is this: did I p=
ut the piano at any further risk by doing this "McGyver" type quick-fix=
 in the short term?  It didn't seem like it could aggravate the problem=
, really, and that the main downside would be that the cards were susce=
ptible to vibrating out again....  should I have put a drop of Tite-bon=
d on them?  Should I NOT have done this for some reason?
John Dorr
Helena, MT

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