Louis Renner hammer heads on grey market.

Quentin Codevelle quentin.codevelle@tiscali.fr
Thu, 26 Jan 2006 19:05:07 +0100

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Serge wrote:
Renner and Abel make about 35000 of hammer head each every years. If you
are willing to order a lot of units they can do any thing you want on
yours own specification and quality. At the lowest price =
and do not forget that those pianos was not suppose to be sold outside
of Japan and this was probability a part of the agreement.=3D20
Serge Harel
Piano hammer maker

Hello Serge,

I do not work on these pianos anymore, it was just an answer that raised =
into my mind as I was looking at the sides of a new Renner hammer set =
labelled "Louis Renner Stuttgart".

So according to what you say, these pianos are equipped with hammers =
made for the japanese market...


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